Lawrence Palumbo (B'00)
Partner and Chief Operating Officer of Falcon Partners, LLC
Lawrence Palumbo is a partner and COO of Falcon Partners, LLC, an owner and developer of mixed-use assets in the New York tri-state region. The firm focuses on redeveloping underutilized assets to their highest and best use. Palumbo oversees investment performance, development approvals, project financing, in addition to company operations. He co-founded Falcon Partners in 2015.
Previously, Palumbo was managing director, Executive Committee member, and head of U.S. Equity Real Estate Separate Accounts at BlackRock, Inc. He was responsible for formulating and executing customized investment strategies for the largest real estate clients of the firm. Prior to this role, he was the New York metro regional head of real estate transactions. He oversaw direct property, joint venture, and forward commitment acquisitions for all property types in the New York and Philadelphia metropolitan areas. He joined SSR Realty Advisors, a predecessor firm, in June 2002.
Prior to joining BlackRock, Palumbo was a consultant in the Global Real Estate Advisory group at PricewaterhouseCoopers, where he performed portfolio valuations and real estate consulting services for pension fund clients.
He earned a B.A. degree, cum laude, in finance from Georgetown University and an M.S. degree in real estate finance & investment from New York University. He is a member of the Urban Land Institute (Urban Mixed-Use Development Council- Bronze) and International Council of Shopping Centers. Until recently, he served as chairperson of the Georgetown University Real Estate Alliance and is currently an advisory board member for the Georgetown University Steers Center for Global Real Estate. Palumbo is an officer and board member for several civic and non-profit organizations.