Imam Yahya Hendi
Director for Muslim Life
Imam Yahya Hendi has been at Georgetown for 22 years. He was the first Muslim chaplain to be hired full-time by an American university.
Imam Hendi is a Public Policy Conflict Resolution Fellow at the Center for Dispute Resolution at the University of Maryland School of Law and the Maryland Judiciary’s Mediation and Conflict Resolution Office.
Imam Hendi is the founder and the president of Clergy Beyond Borders. He also serves as a member of the Islamic Jurisprudence Council of North America.
He has served as an adjunct faculty member for Zanvyl Krieger School of Arts and Science and Osher’s Lifelong Learning Institute of John Hopkins University, Fordham University, and Hartford Seminary. Imam Hendi also taught the course Interreligious Encounters at Georgetown University.
He is passionate about environmental responsibility, racial justice, eliminating poverty, fighting against the growing sense of militarism, and empowering Muslims to reform the way they practice and understand Islam. When Imam Hendi is not talking about these topics with students, you’ll find him in the kitchen cooking Maqloobah or his other favorite dishes, grilled chicken, rice, and hummus.